Юридическая компания МИРАНДА legal company


Legal company "Miranda" offers legal services for representation in the economic court of any jurisdiction, also in the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (ICAC).

Lawyers of the Legal company "Miranda" is carried on commercial representation for both individuals and legal entities.

The staff of the Legal company "Miranda" in addition to lawyers, specializing in business law in general are:

the lawyer for debt collection;

the lawyer for tax disputes, the decision of tax disputes;

the lawyer in disputes with regulatory authorities;

the lawyer in disputes with local authorities;

lawyer for the recognition of agreements void;

the lawyer for the bankruptcy.

Participants in the area of ​​economic relations are economic entities, consumers, public authorities and local authorities endowed economic competence, as well as citizens, public and other organizations, which are the founders of the business entities or carry on their organizational and economic power on the basis of ownership.

By economic activity refers to the activity of economic entities in the sphere of social production, aimed to the production and sale of goods, works or services of value nature that have price certainty.

Economic activity, which is carried out in order to achieve economic and social results, and for profit, is a business, and business entities - entrepreneurs. Economic activities can be carried out without the for-profit (non-profit business).

Representation in court on economic affairs as a rule are the following steps:

1. drafting the statement of claim (a claim petition);

2. compilation of reviews of the statement of claim (statement of defense);

3. preparation of the appeal (appeal);

4. preparation cassation appeal (cassation appeal);

5. represented in local economic court;

6. representation on the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (representative office in Ukraine ICAC).

7. representation in the Commercial Court of Appeal (Court of Appeal);

8. representation in the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine (Court of Cassation);

9. representation in the Supreme Court of Ukraine (Court of Cassation).

Lawyers of the Legal company "Miranda" have a lot of experience in providing legal services to represent the interests in the courts.

Some of the extended ones litigation which provides legal services for representation in the courts are:

1. disputes on debt collection;

2. disputes with the tax authorities;

3. disputes on bankruptcy;

4. disputes that the contract void;

5. disputes with local authorities. 

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