Юридическая компания МИРАНДА legal company


Legal company "Miranda" offers legal services for representation in court of any jurisdiction.

The lawyer (criminal lawyer) of the Legal company "Miranda" carry out representation in criminal cases, their defense (protection of the suspect, the defense of the accused, the defense of the defendant, victim protection, ....).

In the staff of the Legal company "Miranda" in addition to lawyers specializing in criminal law as a whole are:

counsel in cases of embezzlement (theft, robbery, burglary, ...);

counsel in cases of physical abuse;

counsel for the killings;

counsel in cases involving officials crimes;

tax lawyer.

The objectives of criminal proceedings is to protect the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, who take part in it, and a quick and full disclosure of crimes, identify the culprits and ensure the correct application of the law, so that everyone who has committed a crime, was prosecuted and no innocent person is punished.

Legal representation in criminal cases (criminal defense) are, as a rule, the following steps:

1. representation in the pre-trial investigation (police, prosecutors, SSU)

2. study of the materials of the criminal case;

3. preparation of the appeal;

4. preparation of the cassation appeal;

5. drafting a civil action;

6. compilation of reviews of a civil action;

7. representation of civil party;

8. representation of the civil defendant;

9. representation in the district (city) court (judicial investigation), defense in the court;

10. representation in the Court of Appeal (Court of Appeal), defense in the court;

11. representation in the Supreme Court of Ukraine (Court of Cassation).

Lawyers of the Legal company "Miranda" have a huge experience in providing legal services to represent the interests in court, the defense in court.

Some of the extended ones of cases which provides legal services for representation in the courts, their defense is:

1. of the murder;

2. case of embezzlement (theft, burglary, robbery, ...);

3. cases on economic crimes;

4. business for tax crimes (tax evasion, ...);

5. cases of physical abuse.

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